Indonesian Driving License (SIM): How To Make and Renew for Free

1 February, 2021
4 minutes read

Image Indonesian Driving License (SIM): How To Make and Renew for Free

If you don’t have an Indonesian driving license (Surat Izin Mengemudi or SIM) yet or are about to renew your SIM, currently the new SIM-free rules have been passed and are starting to run as of 2021. See below to know how you can make or renew your SIM.

Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah or PP) Number 76 of 2020 has been issued and signed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo. This PP regulates the rates and types of Non-Tax State Revenue (Penerima Negara Bukan Pajak or PNBP) and applies to the police.

This PP regulates the 31 PNPB that is enforced at the National Police including, among others, testing for police record certificate (Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian or SKCK) issuance, testing for SIM issuance, and SIM extension. With this regulation, the issuance of SIM or vehicle registration certificate (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan or STNK) becomes more regular.

This PP is also strengthened by the existence of Law Article 7 paragraph 1 which states that the fee for this type of PNPB is zero percent or zero rupiah. With the PP and the applicable laws, SIM making is free.

Free SIM Requirements

Free SIM Requirements

Only certain groups will receive SIM-making services and this decision was based on very careful considerations. There are at least 7 groups that can receive this free SIM program.

  • Parties that organize social activities
  • Parties that organize religious activities
  • Parties that organize state activities
  • Parties that are in a force majeure or whose condition is beyond the ability to pay
  • Parties or individuals who are economically disadvantaged
  • School or university students
  • Medium, micro, and small entrepreneurs.

The 7 groups mentioned will also get free services in the issuance of a Police Record Certificate or SKCK. With this rule, the community is greatly helped.

Police Commissioner Agung Permana, who serves as head of SIM Polda Metro Jaya said that the free policy program is still in the discussion stage, so the timeline for implementation is still uncertain.

The implementation of making a free SIM has been regulated in the Republic of Indonesia National Police Regulation (Peraturan Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia or Perkap) and the Perkap is still not out. Before everything is put in place, approval from the Minister of Finance is required concerning the procedure, requirements, and scope.

To get more comprehensive information regarding the service, you can access the official website of the National Police Public Relations, namely or you can also contact the Public Relations directly by contacting 021-7218741 or by sending an email to

The National Police's public relations service will provide information every Monday to Friday and working hours from 08.00 to 15.00 WIB.

Requirements for Free SIM Extension

Requirements for Free SIM Extension

Applicants who wish to make a SIM and extend SIM services need to undergo the photo-taking process. Remember not to wear blue clothes when doing so. The use of blue clothes will interfere with the SIM card results and even disrupt the stored data, specifically when the system performs the adjustment process. Keep in mind that the Indonesian police picture is also blue dominated, so if you wear blue clothes, both images will overlay each other.

The SIM service provider will indeed provide replacement clothes on-site, but it is better if the applicants come well prepared. By wearing clothes that are not blue, you will feel safer and more comfortable.

With the free SIM service, the government hopes it can benefit the community and on top of that ease the burden on the economy. If during the service process there are illegal fees or other claims from unscrupulous individuals, you can report this case to the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi or KPK) or the National Police.

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